Thursday 29 July 2010


Welcome to World Conversations a blog where you can read and socialise about various topics.

London 2012 Olympics

So the Olympics have started. After an amazing ceremony, has London out done Beijing.

The race is now on for each nation to grab as many medals possible. Most importantly is china going to be at the top of the table again even though its not in their home grounds.

All we can do is wait and see what takes place in the London 2012 Olympics.

London 2012 Olympics game

A new fun game based on London 2012 Olympics has been released by miniclip allowing us to choose a country and play various Olympic sports. The game can be played below. Enjoy

Play Games on


  1. cant wait for the game :):):):):)

  2. hey ur blog is cool an luv toy story !!!!!

  3. i love call of duty i cnt w8 until blackops cums out i get so many kills

  4. oww call of duty looks wicked.. ii cnt wait!!! and toy story is wicked too and i just love dis blog :))))

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